Welcome to my blog I'm a wedding photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a very simple philosophy and style:
I shoot life, as it happens. I thrive on shooting split-second moments that mark
life-altering experiences: an extended gaze, a touch of the hand, a tearful smile.

I capture the details that few people notice, the moments everyone wants to remember,
and ultimately the feelings that can be relived, over and over, for years and decades to come.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. I hope it gives you some
insight into my skills, experience and professionalism. Please contact me if you
have any questions or are interested booking an appointment.


Email: tylervu@gmail.com   

Phone: 408.888.9180

Clients may view their gallery by clicking on Client log-in.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to an intimate food tasting by Heaven's Kitchen, spear headed by chef John Tran and Paulina R. I met John througn a chance meeting at his Cousin's wedding early this year. The only reason I met John was because I made it a point to meet the creator of the very delicious food served after the Tea Ceremony (which was a little bit more special than the typical food I get for lunch at on a wedding Saturday). Fast forward two months and I was enjoying is full Asian Menu at Rosewater Hall in San Jose. Check out some of the dishes I was able to with ejoy with a glass of Arrogant Frog Merlot.



Chef John at work on his succulent Mizo Glaze on Baked Sea Bass and Fried Caper dish.

Stir Fried Lobster with Marsala Cream Sauce.

Seafood Blossom Soup with Mushroom and Chinese Donut. For those who love Vietnamese food, this dish is influenced by "Canh Chua."

Smoke Duck Confit with Steam Bun, Cranberry Hoisin Sauce and Crispy Leek.

Shore Clam and Calamari Salad.


Saute Vegetable Medley of Green Been, Soy Bean and Assorted Mushrooms.

Staff members with Quoc "Wooky," Chef John and on his left, his lovely wife, Moon.

If you want an exciting alternative to the traditional and boring typical dishes served at most a lot of Asian weddings, please give Chef John a call, 408-666-8167. I know he would explain the dishes much better than I would.

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thuy le:

I keep coming back to this blog post to look at pics of John's creations!! You captured the food so well. My fiance and I are finally having a tasting this Sunday and we can't wait.

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Gotta show some love to my beloved New Orleans Saints. I've been a fan for as long as I can remember watching football. I was their fan when they were "Da Aints." I stood by them when they made their first playoff game and had a pretty good team in the Late 80's. I was their fan when they're good and kept on finishing second in the NFC West Division when the San Francisco 49ers were having their dominant run. I remained a die-hard after moving to the Bay Area in 2000. To see them make it was awesome. But winning the whole thing is Sweet!
To think, they were about to be called the San Antonio Saints after Katrina. I'm really happy for my hometown and happy or my Saints. Who Dat!

Attached are some pictures from my Crazy Super Bowl Party. What was at stake?
Loser wears a dress. My friend picked the Colts. I, of course, pulled for the Saints.
Here is the result:





If you were wondering if you can add this kind of photobooth-photoshoot for your wedding, I now offer it. Is my Side Show Booth product. Please conteact me if you have any question.

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Winnie Forbes:

LOVE This! These photo booths are always so much fun!

Stella Lopez:

Man I wish we had this at our wedding! Oh well, maybe someday we'll renew our vows and do it all over again, this time with your slide show booth!

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Poster: Courtesy of New Line Cinema


If you were wondering what is a movie poster doing on my blog, let me explain. The reason I went to "The Time Traveler's Wife" is purely for research. Recently, I met with a couple for a wedding consultation whom thought of the idea of shooting them in a similar shot for their engagement session. If you're curious, I have not book this couple yet. (Try not to take too long, Irene and Ron).

My reviews will mostly focus on whether I like it or not. I'm not going too detail about the plot point. Just watch the trailer. But I will tell you about the performances of Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams. Excellent. They have great chemistry. Maybe equaling the sparks with Ryan Gosling from her role in "The Notebook." In fact, it's her best role since her breakthrough movie.

If you want to see a movie about love that endures, "Traveler's Wife" is every bride's fantasy of everlasting love and passion. This movie is worth a ticket of admission. For the guys who dread this genre, it's not too mushy. It is very entertaining. Since this is a wedding photography business, I would also mention that the movie does include a wedding scene. This is the main reason why I'm doing my first review on this wedding blog on this movie. However, my future reviews (if time permits) will be on any movie. I do look to the cinemas as inspirations for my wedding shoot.

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Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting Joe McNally, one of the top photojournalists in America. Joe has been staff photographer for some of the most prestigious magazines in the U.S. such as LIFE and National Geographic.

Being a wedding photographer, I wanted to see how Joe was able to achieve his lighting  on-location for some of his most memorable images. His mini workshop (sponsored by Kelby Training and NAPP) covered mostly on lighting the subjects with regular camera strobes and lighting equipment accessories. I leave the speaking engagement wanting to learn more from him and thinking of attending his full-blown workshop. My only gripe is that he uses only Nikon product for demonstration.

Image courtesy of Kelby Training


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Hi all, welcome to my brand spanking new blog. I don't have anything special to post up yet except a photo I took while on a private plane over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was the most exhilarating tour I've have since moving to the Bay Area from new Orleans.


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