Welcome to my blog I'm a wedding photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a very simple philosophy and style:
I shoot life, as it happens. I thrive on shooting split-second moments that mark
life-altering experiences: an extended gaze, a touch of the hand, a tearful smile.

I capture the details that few people notice, the moments everyone wants to remember,
and ultimately the feelings that can be relived, over and over, for years and decades to come.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. I hope it gives you some
insight into my skills, experience and professionalism. Please contact me if you
have any questions or are interested booking an appointment.


Email: tylervu@gmail.com   

Phone: 408.888.9180

Clients may view their gallery by clicking on Client log-in.

Gotta show some love to my beloved New Orleans Saints. I've been a fan for as long as I can remember watching football. I was their fan when they were "Da Aints." I stood by them when they made their first playoff game and had a pretty good team in the Late 80's. I was their fan when they're good and kept on finishing second in the NFC West Division when the San Francisco 49ers were having their dominant run. I remained a die-hard after moving to the Bay Area in 2000. To see them make it was awesome. But winning the whole thing is Sweet!
To think, they were about to be called the San Antonio Saints after Katrina. I'm really happy for my hometown and happy or my Saints. Who Dat!

Attached are some pictures from my Crazy Super Bowl Party. What was at stake?
Loser wears a dress. My friend picked the Colts. I, of course, pulled for the Saints.
Here is the result:





If you were wondering if you can add this kind of photobooth-photoshoot for your wedding, I now offer it. Is my Side Show Booth product. Please conteact me if you have any question.

Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: New Orleans Saints Win Super Bowl 44! . TrackBack URL for this entry: http://tylervu.com/darkroom/mt/mt-tb.cgi/42

Winnie Forbes:

LOVE This! These photo booths are always so much fun!

Stella Lopez:

Man I wish we had this at our wedding! Oh well, maybe someday we'll renew our vows and do it all over again, this time with your slide show booth!


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