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Phone: 408.888.9180

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I was fortunate enough to be invited to an intimate food tasting by Heaven's Kitchen, spear headed by chef John Tran and Paulina R. I met John througn a chance meeting at his Cousin's wedding early this year. The only reason I met John was because I made it a point to meet the creator of the very delicious food served after the Tea Ceremony (which was a little bit more special than the typical food I get for lunch at on a wedding Saturday). Fast forward two months and I was enjoying is full Asian Menu at Rosewater Hall in San Jose. Check out some of the dishes I was able to with ejoy with a glass of Arrogant Frog Merlot.



Chef John at work on his succulent Mizo Glaze on Baked Sea Bass and Fried Caper dish.

Stir Fried Lobster with Marsala Cream Sauce.

Seafood Blossom Soup with Mushroom and Chinese Donut. For those who love Vietnamese food, this dish is influenced by "Canh Chua."

Smoke Duck Confit with Steam Bun, Cranberry Hoisin Sauce and Crispy Leek.

Shore Clam and Calamari Salad.


Saute Vegetable Medley of Green Been, Soy Bean and Assorted Mushrooms.

Staff members with Quoc "Wooky," Chef John and on his left, his lovely wife, Moon.

If you want an exciting alternative to the traditional and boring typical dishes served at most a lot of Asian weddings, please give Chef John a call, 408-666-8167. I know he would explain the dishes much better than I would.

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thuy le:

I keep coming back to this blog post to look at pics of John's creations!! You captured the food so well. My fiance and I are finally having a tasting this Sunday and we can't wait.


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