Welcome to my blog I'm a wedding photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a very simple philosophy and style:
I shoot life, as it happens. I thrive on shooting split-second moments that mark
life-altering experiences: an extended gaze, a touch of the hand, a tearful smile.

I capture the details that few people notice, the moments everyone wants to remember,
and ultimately the feelings that can be relived, over and over, for years and decades to come.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. I hope it gives you some
insight into my skills, experience and professionalism. Please contact me if you
have any questions or are interested booking an appointment.


Email: tylervu@gmail.com   

Phone: 408.888.9180

Clients may view their gallery by clicking on Client log-in.

Happy 4th of July everyone!
I know I'm a little bit behind in my blog and even in my work. (I apologize for that). Maybe it's the 99ยบ wedding shoots. Just make me want to jump in the pool (even though I don't know how t swim) halfway through. People ask , "why do we wear black in this blazing?" I always tell them that we are in the service industry and we need to not stand out too much. But the truth is, I wear them so you wouldn't see how much I sweat. I've made a mistake of wearing a color dress shirt during a summer shoot once. I couldn't lift my arms above my shoulders after 2pm.

Anyway, I wanted to share some recent recognitions for my work by some of the most talented people in the wedding photojournalism industry, Fearless Photographers. Three of my images were showcased in the in round four of judging. I'm proud to say it was the first time I've ever entered in any photo contest. The judges panel included Anna Kuperberg, David Pullum, Olivia Brown, Sergio, and Todd Laffler. Here are the images placed:



To see the rest of the images placed by the top wedding photojournalists in the nation CLICK HERE. I'll get get to my usual blogging when the heat dies down.

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